
Humanize Your AI Content: A Step-by-Step Guide

Humanizing AI: A Step-by-Step Journey to Create Content that Connects

Here are 10 key points from Corey McClain’s video, “The NEW Way To Humanize AI Content | BYPASS DETECTION”:
  1. AI Content Detection Problem: AI-generated content is easily detectable by platforms like Google, which affects rankings, conversions, and engagement.

  2. Humanizing AI Content: To avoid detection and improve engagement, it’s crucial to humanize AI content, making it sound like the creator’s unique voice.

  3. Using ChatGPT and Custom GPTs: Corey demonstrates how to leverage ChatGPT and create custom GPTs to produce personalized sales page copy.

  4. Descript for Transcription: Descript is recommended for its powerful AI tools and ability to transcribe and edit videos, making it easier to create a word bank.

  5. Creating an Audio Project in Descript: Upload audio files to Descript for transcription, ensuring a broad range of vocabulary is captured.

  6. Generating a Word Bank: Export the transcribed text from Descript, upload it to ChatGPT, and instruct it to list all unique words to create a word bank.

  7. Custom GPT with Word Bank: Use the word bank to create a custom GPT that only uses the specified vocabulary, ensuring the AI-generated content sounds like the creator.

  8. Comparison of GPT Outputs: Corey compares the outputs of two GPTs (one with and one without the word bank) and finds the word bank version is more human-like and undetectable by AI detection tools.

  9. Testing AI Detection: The AI detection test shows 92% AI likelihood for the standard GPT output and 0% for the word bank GPT output.

  10. Final Recommendation: Always review and edit AI-generated content, even if it passes AI detection, to ensure it aligns with your voice and engages your audience effectively.

Humanizing Your AI Content: A Comprehensive Guide

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) content is gaining prominence. However, to effectively engage your audience, it’s essential to create AI content that resonates with human sensibilities. This comprehensive guide will empower you with a step-by-step process to humanize your AI content, making it relatable, engaging, and indistinguishable from human-generated text.

Throughout this guide, we’ll delve into practical techniques, from leveraging custom GPTs and word banks to refining content and incorporating storytelling elements. By following these steps, you’ll gain the knowledge and skills to produce AI content that passes AI detection tests, captivates your audience, and establishes a strong connection with your readers.


Introduction: Importance of Humanizing AI Content and Overview of the Step-by-Step Process

Importance of Humanizing AI Content

In today’s digital landscape, AI-generated content is becoming increasingly prevalent. However, it’s crucial to humanize your AI content to make it relatable and engaging for your audience. Humanized AI content performs better in various aspects. Search engines, such as Google, prioritize content that resonates with human readers. By creating AI content that sounds natural and human-like, you can improve your search engine rankings and reach a wider audience.

Additionally, humanized AI content builds trust and credibility with your readers. When your audience can connect with your content on a personal level, they are more likely to trust your brand and engage with your message. Humanizing your AI content helps you establish a strong connection with your readers, leading to increased engagement and conversions.

Overview of the Step-by-Step Process

Humanizing AI content requires a thoughtful and strategic approach. This guide will provide you with a step-by-step process to create AI content that sounds authentic and human. Here’s a brief overview of the steps we’ll cover:

  1. Create a Custom GPT with a Word Bank: We’ll show you how to create a custom GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) and feed it a word bank of your own vocabulary. This will ensure that the AI generates content that uses words and phrases that are natural to you, resulting in more human-like content.

  2. Write a Clear and Concise Prompt: When prompting your custom GPT to generate content, it’s essential to be specific and clear about your desired outcome. We’ll provide guidelines for writing effective prompts that will help the AI understand your intent and generate high-quality content.

  3. Test and Refine Your Content: Once your AI has generated content, don’t just publish it immediately. We’ll guide you through testing your content using AI detection tools and making necessary refinements to ensure it passes AI detection and sounds natural to human readers.

  4. Use Storytelling and Emotional Appeals: To truly humanize your AI content, we’ll explore techniques for incorporating storytelling and emotional appeals. By sharing anecdotes, using vivid language, and connecting with your audience on a personal level, you can make your content more engaging and relatable, helping you build stronger connections with your readers.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll gain the knowledge and skills necessary to create AI content that is indistinguishable from human-generated text. This will enable you to captivate your audience, establish trust and credibility, and achieve your content marketing goals.

Step 1: Create a Custom GPT with a Word Bank

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Create a Custom GPT with a Word Bank: A Step-by-Step Guide


Custom GPTs allow you to tailor AI content generation to your specific needs. By creating a custom GPT and feeding it a word bank of your own vocabulary, you can ensure that the AI generates content that uses words and phrases that are natural to you. This helps humanize the content and make it sound like it was written by a human.

Creating a Custom GPT

To create a custom GPT, you can utilize platforms like OpenAI’s GPT-3 or EleutherAI’s GPT-NeoX. These platforms provide APIs and tools that allow you to customize and fine-tune GPT models based on your specific requirements. Once you have chosen a platform, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare Your Training Data: Gather a dataset of text that is relevant to your domain or industry. This dataset will be used to train your custom GPT.
  2. Create a Word Bank: Compile a list of words and phrases that are unique to your brand voice and writing style. This word bank will help the GPT generate content that is consistent with your desired tone and style.
  3. Train Your GPT: Use the training data and your word bank to train your custom GPT. The training process may take several hours or even days, depending on the size of your dataset and the complexity of your model.

Feeding the Word Bank to Your GPT

Once your custom GPT is trained, you need to feed it your word bank. This will ensure that the GPT generates content that incorporates your unique vocabulary and writing style. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Modify the GPT’s Code: Access the code of your custom GPT and locate the section responsible for generating text. Modify this section to include your word bank as an additional input.
  2. Test and Refine: Generate sample content using your custom GPT and check if it reflects your desired writing style. Make necessary adjustments to your word bank or the GPT’s code until you are satisfied with the results.

By creating a custom GPT and feeding it a word bank of your own vocabulary, you can generate AI content that is tailored to your specific needs and sounds authentically human.

Step 2: Write a Clear and Concise Prompt

Write a Clear and Concise Prompt: A Guide to Effective AI Content Generation


When prompting your custom GPT to generate content, it’s essential to be specific and clear about your desired outcome. A well-written prompt provides the AI with the necessary context and instructions to generate high-quality content that meets your requirements.

Guidelines for Effective Prompts

Here are some guidelines to help you write effective prompts:

  1. Define the Content Goal: Clearly state the purpose of the content you want the AI to generate. Are you looking for a blog post, article, product description, or something else? Specifying the content goal ensures that the AI understands the desired output.
  2. Provide Context and Background: Give the AI sufficient context and background information about the topic. Include relevant keywords, industry-specific terms, and any necessary details to help the AI generate tailored content.
  3. Set the Tone and Style: Indicate the desired tone and style of the content. Do you want it to be formal, informal, persuasive, or humorous? Providing clear instructions on the desired tone will guide the AI in generating content that aligns with your brand’s voice and style.
  4. Use Specific Keywords: Include specific keywords or phrases that you want the AI to incorporate into the content. This helps ensure that the generated content is relevant to your target audience and addresses their search queries.
  5. Set Content Length and Format: Specify the desired length and format of the content. Whether it’s a short paragraph, a long-form article, or a specific document format, clearly communicate your requirements to the AI.

Testing and Refinement

Once you have written your prompt, test it out by generating sample content. Evaluate the output to see if it meets your expectations. If the content doesn’t align with your desired outcome, refine your prompt by providing more specific instructions or adjusting the context and keywords. Repeat this process until you are satisfied with the generated content.

Step 3: Test and Refine Your Content

 Test and Refine Your Content: Ensuring Authenticity and Avoiding AI Detection


Once your AI has generated content, it’s crucial to test and refine it to ensure its quality and authenticity. This step is essential to avoid AI detection and create content that resonates with human readers.

Testing for AI Detection

There are several tools available online that can help you test your AI-generated content for AI detection. These tools analyze the text and identify patterns and characteristics that are commonly associated with AI-generated content. By using these tools, you can assess the likelihood of your content being flagged as AI-generated by search engines or other platforms.

Making Necessary Refinements

If your content is flagged as AI-generated, or if it simply doesn’t meet your desired standards, it’s important to make necessary refinements. Here are some tips:

  1. Rephrase and Rewrite: Go through the AI-generated content and rephrase or rewrite sections that sound too robotic or unnatural. Use varied sentence structures, incorporate active voice, and avoid repetitive language.
  2. Add Human Elements: Inject your own writing style and perspective into the content. Share anecdotes, provide examples, and use humor or emotional appeals to make the content more relatable and engaging.
  3. Proofread and Edit: Carefully proofread your content to eliminate any errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. Make sure the content flows well and is easy to read and understand.
  4. Get Feedback: Ask a colleague, friend, or family member to review your content and provide feedback. Their insights can help you identify areas for improvement and ensure that the content resonates with human readers.

By following these steps, you can refine your AI-generated content to make it more authentic, human-like, and less likely to be detected as AI-generated.

Step 4: Use Storytelling and Emotional Appeals

Use Storytelling and Emotional Appeals: Crafting Compelling and Human-Like AI Content


To truly humanize your AI content and make it resonate with readers on a deeper level, incorporate storytelling and emotional appeals. These techniques can add depth, intrigue, and relatability to your content, making it more engaging and persuasive.

Incorporating Storytelling

Storytelling is a powerful tool that can capture attention, build connections, and convey complex ideas in a memorable way. When crafting your AI-generated content, consider using storytelling elements such as:

  1. Narratives: Share anecdotes, case studies, or personal stories that illustrate your points and make them more relatable.
  2. Characters: Create relatable characters that readers can connect with and follow throughout the narrative.
  3. Plot and Structure: Develop a clear plot and structure for your story, including a beginning, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

Using Emotional Appeals

Emotional appeals can trigger strong feelings and responses in readers, making your content more persuasive and impactful. When incorporating emotional appeals into your AI-generated content, focus on:

  1. Identifying Target Emotions: Determine the emotions you want to evoke in your readers, such as happiness, sadness, anger, or nostalgia.
  2. Using Emotionally Charged Language: Employ words and phrases that elicit the desired emotions and create a strong impact on readers.
  3. Creating Emotional Connections: Draw parallels between your content and readers’ own experiences or values to establish emotional connections.

By effectively using storytelling and emotional appeals, you can craft AI-generated content that is not only informative but also emotionally engaging and persuasive.

Wrapping up

Conclusion: Delivering Exceptional, Human-Like AI Content

Summary of Key Steps

Throughout this guide, we have explored the key steps involved in humanizing your AI content:

  1. Create a Custom GPT with a Word Bank: Tailor your AI content generation to your specific needs and writing style by creating a custom GPT and feeding it a word bank of your own vocabulary.
  2. Write a Clear and Concise Prompt: Provide specific and detailed instructions to your AI to ensure it generates high-quality content that meets your desired outcome.
  3. Test and Refine Your Content: Evaluate your AI-generated content for AI detection and make necessary refinements to ensure authenticity and readability.
  4. Use Storytelling and Emotional Appeals: Incorporate storytelling and emotional appeals into your content to make it more engaging, relatable, and persuasive.

Emphasis on Quality and Authenticity

The ultimate goal of humanizing AI content is to deliver quality, authentic content that resonates with human readers. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create AI-generated content that is indistinguishable from human-written text, effectively engaging your audience and achieving your content marketing goals.

Remember, humanizing AI content is an ongoing process that requires continuous refinement and improvement. Stay updated on the latest advancements in AI content generation and best practices to ensure that your content remains authentic, engaging, and effective in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Quiz: Test Your Understanding of Humanizing AI Content

Question 1: What is the first step in humanizing AI content? (a) Write a clear and concise prompt (b) Create a custom GPT with a word bank (c) Use storytelling and emotional appeals (d) Test and refine your content

Question 2: True or False: A well-written prompt provides the AI with sufficient context and instructions to generate high-quality content. (a) True (b) False

Question 3: Which of the following is NOT a technique for incorporating storytelling into AI content? (a) Sharing anecdotes (b) Using emotionally charged language (c) Creating relatable characters (d) Developing a clear plot and structure

Question 4: The ultimate goal of humanizing AI content is to: (a) Avoid AI detection (b) Create content that sounds like it was written by a human (c) Make content more engaging and relatable (d) All of the above

Question 5: How can you ensure your AI-generated content remains authentic and engaging? (a) By following the steps outlined in this guide (b) By staying updated on the latest advancements in AI content generation (c) By testing your content with a variety of AI detection tools (d) Both (a) and (b)

Answer Key:\n\n1. (b)\n2. (a)\n3. (b)\n4. (d)\n5. (d)”

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