How to Use the Sell it Sales Cycle to Close More Deals

Unveiling the Secrets: A Step-by-Step Journey Through the Sell it Sales Cycle

Here are the main points from the video “I’ve Closed $8B in Sales… Here’s 6 Steps to Sell Anything to Anyone | Sell It Sales Training” by Sell It:


  1. Introduction to the Six-Step Process: The video introduces a six-step process to sell anything to anyone, applicable across various industries.
  2. Step 1 – The Pursuit: This involves prospecting to identify the Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). It includes analyzing current customers to find patterns and then reaching out to potential customers via email, DM, or cold calls.
  3. Step 2 – The Alliance: Building a relationship with the prospect by making a good first impression, showing enthusiasm, and listening to their needs.
  4. Step 3 – Light the Spark: Discovering the prospect’s true needs by identifying their pain points, budget, and decision-making authority to tailor the pitch accordingly.
  5. Step 4 – The Demo: Presenting a visual and engaging demonstration that showcases how your product or service can solve the prospect’s specific problem. Include testimonials and success stories.
  6. Step 5 – The Wrap-Up: Handling objections during negotiation by agreeing with the client, isolating the objection, and crafting a win-win proposal.
  7. Step 6 – Art of the Follow-Up: Ensuring continued client satisfaction through follow-up, follow-through, and follow-back strategies to maintain a long-term relationship.
  8. Importance of Each Step: Each step is crucial and requires mastery to close deals effectively and become a successful salesperson.
  9. Additional Resources: The company offers a detailed sales course with templates, webinars, and workbooks to help understand and implement these steps.
  10. Membership Promotion: The video concludes with a promotion for the Sell It membership, offering in-depth training and resources for effective sales techniques.

Maximize Your Sales Conversions: A Comprehensive Guide to the Sell it Sales Cycle

If you’re an entrepreneur, salesperson, or business owner determined to elevate your sales performance and drive growth, the Sell it Sales Cycle is an indispensable tool in your arsenal. This six-step process empowers you to engage prospects, uncover their unique needs, showcase the value of your offerings, and ultimately secure more closed deals.

Throughout this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of each step, providing actionable tips and best practices to help you master the Sell it Sales Cycle. Whether you’re just starting out or seeking to refine your existing sales strategy, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and insights to transform your sales pipeline into a thriving revenue stream.

What is the Sell it Sales Cycle?

What is the Sell it Sales Cycle?

The Sell it Sales Cycle is a structured, six-step process designed to guide salespeople through the journey of identifying, qualifying, and converting prospects into loyal customers. By following this systematic approach, businesses can streamline their sales process, increase their close rates, and maximize their revenue generation.

The six steps of the Sell it Sales Cycle are:

Prospecting: Identifying and reaching out to potential customers who have a need for your product or service.

Alliance: Building rapport with prospects, establishing trust, and qualifying their needs.

Discovery: Uncovering the prospect’s pain points, goals, and budget to tailor your offering specifically to their situation.

Demo: Showcasing the value of your product or service through demonstrations, presentations, or trial offers.

Wrap-up: Finalizing the deal, addressing any objections, and negotiating the terms of the sale.

Follow-up: Nurturing the relationship with the customer after the sale, ensuring satisfaction, and identifying opportunities for upselling or cross-selling.

Best Practices for Each Step of the Sales Cycle

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Best Practices for Each Step of the Sales Cycle

To maximize the effectiveness of the Sell it Sales Cycle, it’s crucial to implement best practices at each stage of the process. Here’s a breakdown of recommended actions for each step:


Define your target audience and create buyer personas to focus your efforts.

Utilize a mix of channels to reach prospects, such as email, social media, and networking events.

Personalize your outreach messages to resonate with each prospect’s specific needs and interests.


Build rapport by actively listening to prospects and understanding their perspectives.

Focus on establishing trust by being transparent and providing value upfront.

Ask probing questions to uncover the prospect’s pain points and motivations.


Conduct thorough research on the prospect’s industry, company, and specific challenges.

Ask open-ended questions to encourage the prospect to share their insights and requirements.

Summarize the prospect’s needs to ensure a clear understanding of their situation.


Prospecting: Identifying and Engaging Potential Customers

Prospecting forms the foundation of the Sell it Sales Cycle, as it involves identifying and reaching out to potential customers who are likely to be interested in your product or service. To maximize the effectiveness of your prospecting efforts, it’s essential to utilize a variety of channels to connect with your target audience.

Here are some commonly used prospecting channels:

Email: Email marketing remains a powerful tool for reaching out to prospects. By building a targeted email list and crafting compelling messages, you can generate leads and initiate conversations.

Social Media: Social media platforms, such as LinkedIn and Twitter, offer excellent opportunities to connect with potential customers. Engage in industry discussions, share valuable content, and utilize targeted advertising to reach your desired audience.

Cold Calling: While cold calling may require more effort, it can be an effective way to directly reach decision-makers and generate leads. Prepare a concise pitch, practice active listening, and follow up promptly to increase your chances of success.


Alliance: Establishing Rapport and Building Trust

The alliance stage of the Sell it Sales Cycle is crucial for building a strong connection with your prospect. By demonstrating professionalism, enthusiasm, and a genuine desire to understand their needs, you can create a foundation for a mutually beneficial relationship.

Here are some tips for fostering a positive alliance with your prospect:

Be Professional: Maintain a professional demeanor throughout all interactions, both in person and in writing. Dress appropriately, arrive on time for appointments, and communicate effectively.

Be Enthusiastic: Show genuine enthusiasm for your product or service and for helping your prospect achieve their goals. Your passion will be contagious and will help build rapport.

Focus on Building a Connection: Take the time to learn about your prospect’s business, their challenges, and their aspirations. By showing that you care about their success, you’ll build trust and establish yourself as a trusted advisor.


Discovery: Uncovering Needs and Identifying Opportunities

The discovery stage of the Sell it Sales Cycle is all about gathering information about your prospect’s needs, goals, and budget. By asking open-ended questions and actively listening to their responses, you can uncover valuable insights that will help you tailor your sales pitch and increase your chances of closing the deal.

Here are some tips for conducting effective discovery calls:

Ask Open-Ended Questions: Encourage your prospect to share their thoughts and feelings by asking questions that cannot be answered with a simple yes or no. Use phrases like “Tell me more about…” or “What are your thoughts on…?”

Actively Listen: Pay full attention to your prospect’s responses and ask clarifying questions to demonstrate that you are engaged and interested in understanding their perspective.

Uncover Pain Points: Identify the challenges and obstacles that your prospect is facing. Understanding their pain points will allow you to position your product or service as the solution they need.


Demo: Showcasing the Value of Your Offering

The demo stage of the Sell it Sales Cycle provides you with an opportunity to showcase the value of your product or service and demonstrate how it can solve your prospect’s pain points. By creating a visually appealing and engaging presentation, you can capture your prospect’s attention, generate excitement, and move them closer to making a purchase decision.

Here are some tips for delivering successful demos:

Tailor Your Presentation: Customize your demo to align with your prospect’s specific needs and interests. Highlight the features and benefits that are most relevant to their situation.

Use Visuals: Incorporate visually appealing elements such as graphs, charts, and screenshots to make your presentation more engaging and easier to understand.

Involve Your Prospect: Encourage your prospect to actively participate in the demo by asking questions and providing feedback. This will help them feel more invested in the process.


Wrap-up: Closing the Deal and Overcoming Objections

The wrap-up stage of the Sell it Sales Cycle is your opportunity to finalize the deal and address any objections or concerns your prospect may have. By being prepared to negotiate and handle objections effectively, you can increase your chances of closing the sale and building a lasting relationship with your customer.

Here are some tips for successful wrap-ups:

Be Prepared to Negotiate: Be willing to negotiate on price, terms, or other aspects of the deal. However, it’s important to know your bottom line and be prepared to walk away if the prospect’s demands are unreasonable.

Address Objections: Listen attentively to your prospect’s objections and respond with empathy and professionalism. Provide evidence to counter their objections and highlight the value of your offering.

Close the Deal: Once you have addressed the prospect’s concerns, confidently ask for the sale. Be clear about the next steps and provide a timeline for the closing process.


Follow-up: Nurturing Relationships and Ensuring Success

The follow-up stage of the Sell it Sales Cycle is crucial for building long-term relationships with your customers and ensuring their satisfaction. By regularly checking in with your clients, you can identify opportunities for upselling or cross-selling, gather valuable feedback, and proactively address any issues that may arise.

Here are some tips for effective follow-ups:

Stay in Touch: Regularly reach out to your clients via phone, email, or social media. Send personalized messages, offer helpful content, or simply check in to see how they are doing.

Gather Feedback: Use follow-up communications to gather feedback on your products or services. Ask for testimonials, reviews, or suggestions for improvement.

Identify Upselling and Cross-Selling Opportunities: Keep an eye out for opportunities to upsell or cross-sell additional products or services that align with your clients’ needs.

Tips for Success

Tips for Success: Maximizing the Sell it Sales Cycle

To achieve optimal results with the Sell it Sales Cycle, consider implementing the following tips:

Tailor Your Approach: Each prospect is unique, so tailor your sales approach to their individual needs and interests. Personalize your interactions and highlight the specific benefits that align with their situation.

Be Patient and Persistent: Sales can be a numbers game, so it’s important to be patient and persistent. Don’t give up on a prospect if they don’t buy from you right away. Nurture the relationship and continue to provide value.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for the Sale: Many salespeople are hesitant to ask for the sale, but it’s a crucial step in the process. Be confident in the value of your offering and ask for the commitment.

Use the Sell it Sales Cycle as a Framework: The Sell it Sales Cycle provides a proven framework to guide your sales process. Use it consistently and make adjustments as needed to optimize your results.

Tailor your sales approach to each individual prospect.

Tailor Your Sales Approach: Personalizing the Customer Experience

In the competitive landscape of sales, it’s imperative to recognize that every prospect is unique. Adopting a one-size-fits-all approach can hinder your success. Instead, embrace a tailored sales approach that resonates with each individual prospect.

Here are some strategies for tailoring your sales approach:

Research: Before reaching out to a prospect, conduct thorough research to gain insights into their industry, company, and specific challenges. This knowledge will empower you to craft a message that directly addresses their needs.

Understand Their Pain Points: Every prospect confronts unique pain points. By actively listening and asking probing questions, you can uncover their specific struggles and tailor your solution to alleviate them.

Align with Their Goals: Align your sales pitch with the prospect’s goals and objectives. Demonstrate how your product or service can help them achieve their desired outcomes, creating a compelling value proposition.

Be patient and persistent.

Be Patient and Persistent: The Power of Perseverance in Sales

Sales is often a game of persistence and resilience. It’s not uncommon to face rejections or encounter prospects who are not ready to buy immediately. In such situations, it’s crucial to remain patient and persistent in your approach.

Here’s why patience and persistence are essential in sales:

Building Relationships: Nurturing relationships with prospects takes time and effort. By being patient and persistent, you can build trust and rapport, increasing the likelihood of converting them into customers.

Overcoming Objections: Prospects often raise objections or concerns during the sales process. By addressing their hesitations with patience and providing tailored solutions, you can overcome objections and move the sale forward.

Timing the Market: Market conditions and the prospect’s circumstances can impact their buying decisions. By being persistent and staying engaged, you can be there when they are ready to make a purchase.

Don’t be afraid to ask for the sale.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for the Sale: Closing with Confidence

Asking for the sale is a crucial step in the sales process, yet many salespeople hesitate to do so. However, it’s important to remember that you’re not doing your prospect a disservice by asking them to make a decision. In fact, asking for the sale demonstrates that you believe in the value of your product or service and that you’re confident it can meet their needs.

Here are a few tips for asking for the sale effectively:

Be Direct: Clearly and confidently ask for the prospect’s business. Don’t beat around the bush or use vague language. For example, you could say, “I believe our product is the best solution for your needs. Are you ready to move forward with the purchase?”

Handle Objections Gracefully: It’s common for prospects to have objections or hesitations. Be prepared to handle these objections professionally and provide tailored responses that address their concerns.

Close with a Call to Action: End your sales pitch with a clear call to action. Tell the prospect what you want them to do next, whether it’s signing a contract, making a payment, or scheduling a follow-up meeting.

Use the Sell it Sales Cycle as a framework to guide your sales process.

Use the Sell it Sales Cycle as Your Guide to Success

The Sell it Sales Cycle is a structured and proven sales process that can help you increase your sales and grow your business. By using it as a framework to guide your sales process, you can streamline your efforts, improve your results, and achieve greater success.

Here are a few benefits of using the Sell it Sales Cycle:

Increased Sales: The Sell it Sales Cycle provides a clear and systematic approach to selling, helping you identify and qualify prospects, build relationships, and close deals more effectively.

Improved Efficiency: By following the steps of the sales cycle, you can avoid wasting time on unqualified prospects and focus your efforts on those who are most likely to buy.

Greater Success: The Sell it Sales Cycle has been used by countless businesses to achieve success. By following its proven steps, you can increase your chances of closing more deals and growing your business.

Quiz: Test Your Understanding of the Sell it Sales Cycle

Multiple Choice

What is the first step in the Sell it Sales Cycle?

(a) Prospecting (b) Alliance (c) Discovery

Which step involves identifying and qualifying potential customers?

(a) Prospecting (b) Alliance (c) Discovery

What is the purpose of the Discovery stage?

(a) To build rapport with prospects (b) To uncover prospects’ pain points and needs (c) To close the deal


It is important to tailor your sales approach to each individual prospect.

Salespeople should be afraid to ask for the sale.

The Sell it Sales Cycle is a proven process that can help increase sales and grow businesses.

Answer Key\n\nMultiple Choice\n\n1. (a) Prospecting\n2. (a) Prospecting\n3. (b) To uncover prospects’ pain points and needs\n\nTrue/False\n\n4. True\n5. False\n6. True”

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