
Diving Into IM Soup (Your Fresh Take on Internet Marketing)

Unpacking 12 Years of Experience, Strategies, and Insights for Today's Digital Marketers

Ever felt overwhelmed by the vast world of internet marketing?

You're not alone, and that's why I'm here.

I remember when I first started out, feeling lost in the sea of information. Over the years, I've learned, adapted, and now I want to share that journey with you.

I'm thrilled to finally launch this blog and i believe that it can be a valuable resource for new and experienced product creators and affiliate marketers within the internet marketing niche.

It's also an exciting and fun project for me to be able to share my thoughts, experiences, case studies and some cool hacks and strategies from over 12 years (at the time of writing) creating software products, making significant affiliate sales and driving traffic.

I'll also be writing about tools and highlighting cool stuff i find that i think is worth sharing. Including new tools, strategies being shared by others on social media that i feel are worthy of your attention.

However, what i don't want to happen is burn out, so this blog will written with short concise posts without being optimized for SEO and focused on providing real value for you, rather than the search engines.

Why write 5000 words when the magic can happen in just 500?
No one has time for that just so the blogger can get better rankings, and from my own experience when i come across posts like that i scan them for takeaways and hardly ever read the full post.

Instead of thinking about the SEO opportunities, I'll instead focus on driving traffic from ads, newsletter subscribers, YouTube videos and social media. I will also document those efforts and case studies too so that you can learn the key takeaways and strategies that 'move the needle' too.

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My Journey to Internet Marketing

In 2008, the world faced a financial crash that left countless businesses, including my own recruitment agency, grappling with unforeseen challenges.

It was a tumultuous time, and like many, I found myself at a crossroads. Having tasted the independence of self-employment for so long, the idea of working for someone else felt alien.

I believed that the entrepreneurial spirit within me had grown too strong, making me psychologically unemployable in the traditional sense.

But adversity often breeds innovation.

Leveraging the relationships I had built, I began offering marketing services to former clients. My foray into SEO for my recruitment agency website saw me ranking for competitive, high-traffic keywords, a testament to the adaptability we all possess.

Yet, it wasn't until 2011, when I delved into product creation and affiliate marketing, that everything clicked. I felt a renewed sense of purpose, a conviction that I was on the right path. The dream of financial freedom and the allure of the internet marketing lifestyle no longer seemed distant; they felt tangible, achievable.

This journey has taught me resilience, adaptability, and the power of perseverance. And now, through IM Soup, I'm eager to share the insights and strategies that have shaped my path, hoping they might light the way for others.

So with that being said, here is what we will cover.

Product Creation

Everything from mapping out new products (product sculpting) with live behind the scenes insights, interviews and through to sales with internal promotions (my own audience and email list) product launches, funnel building and the secrets of generating 6 figures within days, often without affiliates.

Affiliate Marketing

You'll learn the strategies that work, when to use them, what types of promotions are most profitable, how to find profitable webinars to promote as an affiliate and how to get product creators to jump on a quick recorded session for guaranteed 4 figure launch jacking promotions.

Traffic Generation

We'll explore diverse traffic generation methods, from new platforms to underground strategies. Expect interviews, tests, and insights on controlling your traffic sources.

Audience Building

Building an audience is crucial for both product creators and affiliates. You'll lean how to design your funnels quickly and the right type of funnel to use and simple quick landing pages and lead magnets that convert really well for maximum impact. 

Case Studies

Every successful marketer has unique case studies and stories, however i also want to cover things that didn't go as well as planned as the lessons in those are just as important as what worked. Some of this stuff might surprise you but with proof of sales, conversions and repeat scalability you'll see first hand how you can quickly and easily tweak and adjust the losers into winners and the winners into repeated success.

New Marketing Tools & Strategies

As the use of AI is maturing there are more opportunities for both affiliates and product creators and literally hundreds of new tools being launched on a weekly basis. It's even more important to keep an eye on what's new in strategy, tools, technology, trends etc. today, and be creative on how to use and identify new opportunities. However, one of the biggest mistakes can be rushing in without being ready and i'll share stories of 6 figure internal launches where we waited for weeks, watched and learned then built 2 of our best ever tools. 

The Best of Twitter (X) Marketing Posts

Twitter is an absolute goldmine of information for marketers, however not all of it is good info and the amount of retweets (posts) and likes does not always mean quality, but there are some creators that stand out and share phenomenal case studies, strategies and tips that really should be shared far and wide. I'll bring the best of them here and of course share links to the original tweets and create some twitter lists that are worth keeping an eye on.

Interviews With Other Marketers

Learning from other marketers, talking in their own words about their own experiences, products, affiliate campaigns and brand building that generate massive audiences is a key part of your own growth. We may do this through video podcasts and bring on proven marketers with top quality strategies and case studies and learn what drives them to success.

Training Webinars

Webinars are one of my favourite ways to do training, make sales and build relationships with my audience. You can expect some top quality training with unique strategies and even some free tools for those that attend.

Who This Blog Is For

Whether you're just dipping your toes into the vast ocean of internet marketing or you're a seasoned pro looking for fresh insights, this blog is for you. At IM Soup, we cater to:

  • Newbies: If you're just starting out and feeling overwhelmed by the plethora of information out there, we're here to simplify things and guide you step by step.
  • Veteran Marketers: For those who've been in the game but are always on the lookout for innovative strategies, tools, and trends, we've got a seat at the table for you.
  • Product Creators: From ideation to launch and beyond, we'll delve into the nitty-gritty of creating products that resonate, meet your audience needs, solve pain points and sell.
  • Affiliate Marketers: Discover the secrets behind successful affiliate campaigns, from choosing the right products to crafting compelling promotions.
  • Curious Minds: Even if you're not in the internet marketing niche but have a keen interest in digital strategies and online business growth, there's plenty of soup to go around!

In essence, IM Soup is a melting pot of ideas, strategies, and insights for anyone passionate about navigating the dynamic world of internet marketing. 

My Track Record in Internet Marketing

Over the years, I've not only immersed myself in the world of internet marketing but have also achieved milestones that I'm genuinely proud of. Here's a snapshot of what I've accomplished:

  • Innovative Software Creator
    Developed multiple top-selling software tools tailored for SEO, Traffic, and Marketing, setting industry standards.
  • Launch Funnel Conversion
    Crafted high-converting funnels that consistently deliver results, with multiple 6-figure launches. Notably, several of these launches were achieved solely through internal promotions to my dedicated email list, bypassing the need for affiliates.
  • Mentorship
    Guided and mentored numerous top-selling product creators and affiliates, helping them navigate the intricate world of digital marketing.
  • Affiliate Success
    Regularly secured 5-figure affiliate promotions, often through exclusive promos and hosting webinars as an affiliate. I've often clinched affiliate contests using unique strategies, competing against teams of two where each member had larger email lists than mine.
  • Product Sales
    Proudly sold tens of thousands of my products, with notable launches on JVZoo amassing 4,000 to 7,000 sales. Multiple other launches have crossed the 1,000+ sales mark.
  • Innovation at its Best
    Pioneered some of the most innovative and creative marketing tools in the marketplace, always staying ahead of the curve.
  • YouTube Presence
    My YouTube channel is a treasure trove of knowledge, boasting thousands of videos. These aren't just any videos; they offer free training on strategies so unique and effective that many would sell them if they'd thought of them first.

These milestones are a testament to my commitment to excellence in internet marketing. But more than the numbers and accolades, my passion lies in sharing this knowledge, helping others succeed, and continuing to innovate in this ever-evolving domain.

With over 12 years in the game, I'm not just sharing theories.
These are tried and tested strategies that have worked for me and can work for you too.

Join me on this journey and let's enjoy the internet marketing adventure together.

What topics are you most excited about?
Drop a comment below!

Upcoming Webinar Alert

We have a webinar coming up on the 10th of October.

If you want to learn how to create 700 page 1 rankings from Google Sites PBNs you can register below.

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